Other reports

Operating Activities

(17) Earnings per share

Accounting and measurement policies
Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit after taxes attributable to the shareholders of Merck KGaA (net income) by the weighted average number of theoretical shares outstanding. The calculation of the theoretical number of shares is based on the fact that the general partner’s equity is not represented by shares. Corresponding to the division of the subscribed capital of € 168 million into 129,242,252 shares (see Note (34) “Equity”), the general partner’s equity of € 397 million equates to 305,535,626 theoretical shares. Overall, equity capital amounted to € 565 million or 434,777,878 theoretical shares outstanding.

As in the previous year, equity capital remained unchanged in fiscal 2023. The weighted average (basic) number of shares was 434,777,878 and thus corresponded to the number of theoretical shares outstanding. In fiscal 2023 and 2022, there were no shares with a potential diluting effect; as a result, the diluted earnings per share were equivalent to basic earnings per share.

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