Other reports

Statement on Corporate Governance

The Statement on Corporate Governance contains the Declaration of Conformity, relevant information on practices within the company, and a description of the procedures of the corporate bodies, as well as targets for the percentage of positions held by women and the diversity policy.

Joint report of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board including Declaration of Conformity

The German Corporate Governance Code is geared toward the conditions found in a German stock corporation (“Aktiengesellschaft” or “AG”) and does not take into consideration the special characteristics of a corporation with general partners (“Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien” or “KGaA”) such as Merck KGaA. Given the structural differences between an AG and a KGaA, several recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code are to be applied to a KGaA only in a modified form. Major differences between the two legal forms exist in terms of liability and management. In the case of an AG, only the AG is liable as a legal entity, whereas the general partners of a KGaA also have unlimited personal liability for the company’s obligations (section 278 (1) AktG). At Merck KGaA, this pertains to both E. Merck KG – which is excluded from management and representation pursuant to article 8 (5) of the Articles of Association – as well as to the managing general partners who collectively make up the Executive Board of Merck KGaA. The members of the Executive Board of Merck KGaA are therefore subject to unlimited personal liability. Unlike an AG, their executive authority is not conferred by the Supervisory Board, but rather by their status as general partners. Consequently, in addition to other responsibilities typical of the supervisory board of an AG (see description of the “procedures of the Supervisory Board”), the supervisory board of a KGaA does not have the authority to appoint the management board, draw up management board contracts, or specify the compensation of the management board. This legal form also involves special features with regard to the Annual General Meeting. For example, in a KGaA, many of the resolutions made require the consent of the general partners (section 285 (2) AktG), including in particular the adoption of the Annual Financial Statements (section 286 (1) AktG).

Merck KGaA applies the German Corporate Governance Code analogously where these regulations are compatible with the legal form of a KGaA. In order to enable shareholders to compare the situation at other companies more easily, we base corporate governance on the conduct recommendations made by the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code to a broad extent and refrain from adopting our own, equally permissible, code. All recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated April 28, 2022, the intent and meaning of which are applied, have been complied with since the last Declaration of Conformity was submitted in February 2023.

For a clearer understanding, the following gives a general explanation of the application of German company law at Merck KGaA with additional references to the Annual General Meeting and shareholder rights.

Merck KGaA

The general partner E. Merck KG holds around 70% of the total capital of Merck KGaA (equity interest); the shareholders hold the remainder, which is divided into shares (share capital). E. Merck KG is excluded from the management of business activities. The general partners with no equity interest (Executive Board) manage the business activities. Nevertheless, due to its substantial capital investment and unlimited personal liability, E. Merck KG has a strong interest in ensuring that the businesses of Merck KGaA operate efficiently in compliance with procedures. Merck KGaA’s participation in the profit/loss of E. Merck KG in accordance with articles 26 et seq. of the Articles of Association further harmonizes the interests of the shareholders and of E. Merck KG. E. Merck KG appoints and dismisses the Executive Board. In addition, E. Merck KG has created bodies – complementing the expertise and activities of the Supervisory Board – to monitor and advise the Executive Board. This applies primarily to the Board of Partners of E. Merck KG.

Based on the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act, the Articles of Association of Merck KGaA, and the rules of procedure of the various committees, Merck KGaA has adopted a set of rules for the Executive Board and its supervision that meet the requirements of the German Corporate Governance Code. The investors, who bear the entrepreneurial risk, are protected as provided for by the German Corporate Governance Code. We take suggestions from the capital market on corporate governance seriously and hold discussions with investors and shareholder representatives.

The General Meeting of Merck KGaA

The 28th Annual General Meeting of Merck KGaA was held in Darmstadt, Germany, on April 28, 2023. In 2023, the Executive Board again decided, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to hold the 2023 Annual General Meeting in virtual form, i.e. without the shareholders and their proxies attending in person. In doing so, it exercised the option that the legislation provided with the transitional provision of section 26n (1) of the Introductory Act to the German Stock Corporation Act (EGAktG) in relation to virtual annual general meetings in accordance with section 118a (AktG). Shareholders and shareholder representatives participated in the Annual General Meeting virtually. The meeting was broadcast audiovisually on the Internet in full. At 72.59 %, the proportion of share capital represented at the meeting (including postal votes) was slightly higher than in the previous year. In 2022, the proportion of share capital represented was 70.34 %. The Annual General Meeting service provider does not forward voting instructions to Merck in advance of the Annual General Meeting but keeps them in the system until the count takes place.

In particular, the Annual General Meeting passes resolutions concerning the approval of the Annual Financial Statements, the appropriation of net retained profit, the approval of the actions of the Executive Board members and the Supervisory Board members, the election of the auditor, amendments to the Articles of Association, the compensation system for the Executive Board, and the control and profit and loss transfer agreements of Merck KGaA. The shareholders of Merck KGaA exercised their rights at the virtual Annual General Meeting using the Internet-based Annual General Meeting system and via video communication. In addition, the shareholders were again given the opportunity to submit statements on the agenda to the company prior to the Annual General Meeting. They were able to exercise their voting rights personally, through an authorized representative or a proxy appointed by the company, or by postal vote. The proxies were in attendance throughout the duration of the Annual General Meeting. All the documents and information concerning upcoming General Meetings (including a summary explanation of shareholder rights) are also posted on our website. The introductory speech by the Chair of the Executive Board was published in advance on the Internet on April 17, 2023, in order to make it available to interested shareholders and members of the public and thus satisfy the high transparency requirements of the Merck Group.

Declaration of Conformity

In accordance with section 161 AktG, applying the provisions of the German Corporate Governance Code correspondingly, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board issued the following Declaration of Conformity with the recommendations of the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code:

“Declaration of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Merck KGaA on the recommendations of the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code pursuant to section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Since the last Declaration of Conformity in February 2023, we have complied with all the recommendations of the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated April 28, 2022, as published in the official section of the German Federal Gazette.

With regard to future compliance with the current recommendations of the Government Commission of the German Corporate Governance Code, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board declare the following: The company will comply with the recommendations of the Code in the version dated April 28, 2022.”

Darmstadt, February 2024

For the Executive Board
signed Belén Garijo

For the Supervisory Board
signed Wolfgang Büchele

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